No Obligation Accent Review

Scroll down to submit your FREE, no obligation accent screening to our team. A great tool for discovering whether or not our accent reduction program is right for you!

If you’re ready to get started with classes, give us call 704-845-1605 and ask for Margaret. Lessons offered in our office or virtually.

Would you like to find out if this program is right for you?

Please take a few moments to complete this Free Screening at no obligation. Make sure you allow yourself about 25 minutes (10 minutes for the Screening) in a quiet setting to complete the recording process. You will be redirected to the ComptonPeslOnline website. Contact us if you have any questions.

System Requirements

  • PC/MAC.
  • Microphone.
  • High speed Internet.
  • Windows version 7.0 or higher.
  • The program is optimized for Mozilla Firefox. ( It is not compatible with the AOL or Safari browsers.

I wanted to get more confidence when I communicated with people so I wouldn’t see the puzzle in their faces. After my first session, I learned the importance of slowing down.

Please feel free to visit our office in Charlotte, NC or Davidson, NC, or contact us, for more information on our successful accent modification program.