How to Improve Spoken English
Learning how to improve your spoken English for clear communication at work, home, and in social settings is a great way to limit the frustration of having to repeat yourself many times, or having someone misunderstand you entirely.
While we would love to provide you with an easy step-by-step process you could follow to reduce your accent and improve your spoken English; it is just not that simple. Each person, no matter their first language, has unique speech patterns. While there are a few common mispronunciations we can address such as the American /W/ sound, helping you figure out how you are or are not pronouncing it correctly takes a customized approach.
Our expert speech therapists will listen to you speak while watching your mouth movements to identify the specific way in which they can help you improve your spoken English. While one person might be forming the wrong shape with their lips to make a certain sound, another might be placing their tongue in the wrong position. Our experts will identify these specifics to guide you towards the proper mouth movements to make the correct English pronunciation so you can begin practicing and improving your spoken English.
If you’re ready to improve your spoken English, call or contact Carolina Speech Services today or start with our online accent assessment. 704-845-1605 We look forward to working with you.